The Hidden Truth

“The accident wasn’t her fault, it was mine,” my boyfriend explains to the police. Greyson knew damn well the car accident was all my fault but why would he cover for me. I could’ve killed him. I could’ve killed myself. I’m a danger to myself. Yet I kept quiet and let Greyson take all the blame. I can’t even fathom the idea that Greyson is struggling behind bars due to my poor decision making. 

 After that night I never felt the same. It’s been a month since the car accident and I’ve only left my room to use the bathroom and periodically eat. I still can’t bring myself to visit Greyson in prison. The pain, the guilt, it’s all too much. I’ve almost turned myself in several times but every time I dial 911 I can’t bring myself to speak when the operator picks up. I find myself too choked up to speak so I always end up hanging up on them. I’ll pull into the police station but I can’t bring myself to get out of the car so I always end up turning around. 

Greyson wanted me to have a future, he wanted me to complete college and follow my dreams and become a neurosurgeon. He knew if I went to prison that would never happen. He felt my life, my future, and my success was more valuable than his.