I took this picture while I was driving to my internship site in Limington, ME. It had just snowed the previous night so the snow was freshly settled on the trees and the snow on the ground wasn’t filthy with mud yet so the scenery was freshly white. When I see this image I feel free and adventurous. The image is uplifting and showing the beautiful side to seasons like winter. People hear winter and think of the cold weather, icy roads, piles of snow. This image makes me feel happy and calm, the trees are glossed over in fresh powdered snow giving a pretty scenery. The bright colors as well make me feel light and happy. Another thing is this image gives memories from when I was a kid playing in the snow on snow days off from school.
This image was taken of my friend and I walking the streets of Manchester, NH. When I see this image I feel euphoric and happy. The blurriness makes the lighting look spuratic and aesthetically pleasing. My friend and I are holding hands running which makes me feel free and adventurous. The darker colors with the city and holiday lights are what makes the image give on a. euphoric feeling.
This image of my off campus house was taken over the weekend. I got home from classes as the sun was setting and it was hitting my house just right where the coloration looked beautiful. It makes me feel happy and relaxed as the colors give off positive feelings and makes the house look welcoming. The house looks warm and cozy and comforting. I feel welcomed by the house.